Mighty Earth - Rapid Response
Real-time concession-level deforestation monitoring in Indonesia and Malaysia using Forest Report
From Indonesia to the Congo Basin, we have helped leading international organizations monitor natural resource extraction in critical ecosystems
Real-time concession-level deforestation monitoring in Indonesia and Malaysia using Forest Report
Mapping deforestation, fires, and related industries in Indonesia, powered with MapHubs Portal
A dynamic database and map of mining in Democratic Republic of the Congo with maps powered by MapHubs Portal
MapHubs assisted with analysis and mapping of organutan habitat loss
MapHubs mapped logging roads and deforestation in Solomon Islands
Map for Environment was a collaborative mapping platform, providing open access to hundreds of map layers and tools for interactive map making. Built using MapHubs Portal.
Piloted a farm-level deforestation monitoring system for a proposed credit program in cattle ranchers in Paraguay. Built using Forest Report.